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Import Contacts in Trello
Import Contacts in Trello

Import your contacts with the Email for Trello Power-Up. How to download and use our template to import contacts.

Mark Fowles avatar
Written by Mark Fowles
Updated over a year ago

If you are migrating from another system to Email for Trello, you can download and use our easy template to import multiple contacts.

Import contacts

Open your SendBoard Contacts page and select 'Import' from the panel on the right.

Open your SendBoard Contacts page and select 'Import' from the panel on the right.

From here you can upload your CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file. This is a data format commonly used with databases and spreadsheets.

Your file will need to include up to 6 columns in the following order:

First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Mobile Number, Telephone Number, Organisation.

Template for importing contacts

You can download and use our template to import contacts.

 Download and use the template to import contacts in Email for Trello.

Open the CSV template in a text editor, spreadsheet editor, or database management tool and fill in each row of data in the columns provided.

FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress, MobileNumber, TelephoneNumber and Organisations

SendBoard import contacts template

Once completed, make sure the file is saved as a CSV. Upload the file and click the "Import" button. Once imported, your contacts will be available in the contacts list.

Do not edit the headers of the template as this will break the import. Simply complete the rows with the contact details you wish to import.

Checking the option 'Use imported details if an email address already exists' will prioritize the newly imported data over the existing data associated with the email address. This means that if an email address already exists, the new imported details will be used instead of the existing information.

Checkbox fto use imported details if an email address already exists in SendBoard
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