A board email address is a unique SendBoard email address that gets assigned to your Trello board when the Email for Trello Power-Up is set up on your board. This address is used to send and receive emails to and from your board.
Each Trello board that the Email for Trello Power-Up has been added to and set-up on, will have its own, unique board address appended with .sendboard.com
. It will look something like this: inbox@example.sendboard.com
Where can I find the board address?
You can access your board email address by editing the SendBoard Power-Up Settings, which you can access through the Trello sidebar as shown below:
Can I change the board address?
You can change your board email address at any time. Note however that special characters are not accepted in the board address.
Note that when you change the board address you will need to update any forwarding rules with the new board address.
Custom email addresses
Many teams prefer to send and receive emails using their own email address, without the .sendboard.com
part (e.g. help@company.com). You can do this by linking your existing email address to SendBoard and setting up forwarding rules. Have a look at this article for detailed steps on how to set up your custom email address: Custom email addresses
Note: the SendBoard account name and board address cannot contain any special characters i.e. only alphanumeric characters can be included in the account name and board address.