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Use saved replies to respond faster
Use saved replies to respond faster

Learn how to create and managed saved replies with Email for Trello for common scenarios so that it’s quick and easy to reply.

Mark Fowles avatar
Written by Mark Fowles
Updated over a year ago

Typing out the same response over and over again can be frustrating. It’s also a waste of time and can lead to errors and inconsistency. That’s why we created the Saved Replies feature in SendBoard 😀.

Saved Replies make it quick and easy to reply to common questions, while still allowing you to keep responses personalised.

Saved Replies are only available on certain SendBoard plans. See our plans and pricing here.

Sending saved replies

To use a saved reply when sending an email, just select the saved reply icon in the email editor. You can search through all saved replies and see a preview before inserting.

As a shortcut, you can just type ‘#’ in your email reply. This will immediately show a list of your saved replies. Start typing the name or keyword of your saved reply to search through the list. Press enter to insert the highlighted reply.

After you’ve added the saved reply, you can edit the content if you need to tweak the reply to suit the conversation. You can even add multiple saved replies to the same email.

Create & Manage Saved Replies

To create a new saved reply, or manage existing replies, click the Saved Replies button and choose Create or Manage.

This will open up the screen to manage your saved replies.

There are only 4 steps to creating a new saved reply.

1) Name your saved reply

Use a name that will be easy for your team to remember. You’ll use this name to search for saved replies.

2) Create a keyword

The keyword is a short code that can be used to reference your saved reply in other SendBoard features. You can also use this keyword to quickly enter a saved reply into an email by typing ‘#’ followed by the keyword. This keyword will also be used in Butler Automation rules to automate your emails.

3) Write the content of your saved reply.

This is the content that will get inserted into an email when you use a saved reply. You can add formatting and links just like with a normal email. You can’t attach files, but you can create a link to a file that is hosted on the web.

You can also insert variables and custom fields into your templates so that the message will be personalised at the time of sending.

4) Choose if the saved reply should be available for all boards

By default, the saved replies you create can be used by any Trello team members who have access to the board you are working on. If you want to make these saved replies available on other boards that use SendBoard, you can select the option “Available for all boards associated with this account”.

Use Variables to personalise your saved replies

Variables are special keywords enclosed in curly brackets that you can use in your saved replies. Variables will be replaced by their relevant value when an email is sent.

For example, add the text {%contactFirstname%} to your saved reply. When the email is sent, the variable will be replaced with the first name of the primary contact on the email.

Learn more about variables here.

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