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How to manage your DNS settings

Learn how to create DKIM and Return-Path records for DNS providers like Google Domains, Cloudflare, GoDaddy and Wix

Mark Fowles avatar
Written by Mark Fowles
Updated over a week ago

With the Email for Trello Power-Up you can send and receive emails using your own email address, without the SendBoard branding. We call this a custom email address. To set 'From' address to your own domain, you'll need to make some minor Domain Name System (DNS) changes with your domain service provider that authorise SendBoard to send emails on your behalf.

The process for updating your DNS settings will differ depending on who you host your domain with. But the basic steps are very similar. In this article we briefly run through  the steps for some of the most common providers: Google Domains, Cloudflare, GoDaddy, Wix.

For details on how to set your custom email address and where to find the DNS settings for your domain in SendBoard, view our article: Set the ‘from’ address to your own domain

Adding DNS records to Google Domains

  1. Log in to Google Domains.

  2. Choose your domain name.

  3. Select DNS from the panel on the left.

Create new records for the DKIM and Return-Path and copy the unique values from your SendBoard settings into the relevant fields and save.

  • For the DKIM choose TXT record.

  • For the Return-Path choose CNAME record.

Google domain DNS settings

Adding DNS records Cloudflare

  1. Log in to your Cloudflare dashboard.

  2. Select the account and domain.

  3. Go to DNS > Records > Add record

Choose record Type and copy the unique values from your SendBoard settings into the relevant fields in Cloudflare and save.

Cloudflare DNS tab

For the DKIM choose TXT record:

Adding TXT record to Cloudflare

For the Return-Path choose CNAME record:

Adding CNAME record to Cloudflare

Note: If you are having trouble with DNS configuration for Cloudflare, try updating the particular CNAME record (by clicking on the orange cloud) to be set to DNS only instead of the default "proxied" that Cloudflare adds automatically.

View Cloudflare's help article for more detailed instructions on how to create DNS records in Cloudflare.

Adding DNS records to GoDaddy

  1. Sign in to GoDaddy and go to your Domain Manager.

  2. Select the domain you want to add and click Manage DNS.

  3. The Domain Management page will open where you can add your DNS records.

  4. Select Add to create a new record.

  5. Choose record Type and copy the unique values from your SendBoard settings into the relevant fields in Cloudflare and save.

  • For the DKIM record choose TXT.

  • For the Return-Path choose CNAME.

Adding DNS records in GoDaddy

View GoDaddy's help documentation for more detailed instructions on how to create / manage DNS records.

Adding DNS records to Wix

  1. Sign in to your Wix Domains page.

  2. Click on the More actions icon next to the relevant domain.

  3. Select Manage DNS Records > Add a record

  4. Scroll down to the record type and click + Add Record.

  5. Copy the unique values from your SendBoard settings into the relevant fields in Wix and save.

Note the type of record:

  • For the DKIM choose TXT record.

  • For the Return-Path choose CNAME record.

View Wix's help documentation for more detailed instructions on how to create and manage your DNS records.

Need help?

Check out our article for tips to troubleshoot DKIM and Return-Path settings

If you run into trouble, send us an email at

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